




About the Department

The modern world of the 21st century is more diverse and complex than ever before. In this environment, advances in science, engineering, and industry are being driven by disciplines that are vastly different from those of previous eras, such as big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Mathematical creativity and problem-solving skills are essential for the development of these cutting-edge fields and technologies. Therefore, mathematics, a discipline that develops logic and thinking skills through a precise grasp of basic concepts and their application, is playing an increasingly important role in the era of artificial intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, represented by AlphaGo. The Department of Mathematics at Catholic University aims to provide students with the mathematical aptitude to conduct research and development in the field of mathematics and other fields by learning the theory of pure mathematics and, based on this, learning knowledge in applied fields such as statistics, financial mathematics (financial engineering), machine learning, and artificial intelligence.


특수교육과 동문회 장학금특수교육과 동문회 장학금을 보여주는 표
Year 1 General Math 1 and Practice, General Math 2 and Practice, Matrices and Mathematical Argumentation Practice
Year 2 Linear Algebra 1 and Practice, Linear Algebra 2 and Practice, Number Theory and Practice, Fundamental Mathematics for Data Science and Practice, Mathematical Programming and Practice, Theory of Infinite Sets, Introductory Statistics 1 and Practice, Introductory Statistics 2 and Practice, Introduction to Analytics 1, Introduction to Analytics 2
Year 3 Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Optimization, Modern Algebra 1, Modern Algebra 2, Mathematical Statistics and Practice, Probability Theory and Practice, Financial Mathematics 1 and Practice, Financial Mathematics 2 and Practice, Differential Equations and Practice, Multivariable Analysis and Practice, Mathematics and Pedagogy, Differential Calculus 1, Differential Calculus 2, Topological Mathematics 1, Topological Mathematics 2, Research and Teaching Methods in Mathematics, Theory and Practice of Complex Functions 1 and Practice, Applied Partial Differential Equations, Theory and Practice of Deep Learning, Partial Differential Equation Theory, Mathematical Theory and Practice of Machine Learning
Year 4 Computational Mathematics 1 and Practice, Computational Mathematics 2 and Practice, Special Topics in Statistics, Master of Science in Practice, History of Mathematics, Data Analysis and Practice, Computational Finance and Practice, Risk Management Theory and Practice

Major Course Guide

Year 1 │
General Math and Practice

This course covers higher calculus, which is the most fundamental part of the math major. As a basic course for the major, it is essential for understanding not only pure mathematics but also various applied mathematics including artificial intelligence.

Year 1 │
Matrices and Mathematical Argumentation Practice

This course covers matrices, complex planes, set theory, etc. that are not covered in the high school revised curriculum. It is a course that provides basic knowledge for full-fledged majors with basic contents such as linear algebra, analysis, and complex function theory that are learned in years 2-3.

Year 2 │
Introduction to Analytics

A branch of mathematics that studies the properties of continuous based on differentiation and integration. It is a branch of mathematics that began with the purpose of formalizing calculus in a rigorous way, and deals with concepts such as limit and infinite series of sequences or functions, differentiation, integration, measure, and analytic numbers. In college, these concepts are often taught by applying them to real or complex numbers and functions.

Year 2 │
Linear Algebra and Practice

A branch of algebra that studies vector spaces, vectors, linear transformations, matrices, and ordinary linear equations. Modern linear algebra focuses on vector spaces and is widely used in abstract algebra and functional analysis.

Year 3 │
Modern Algebra

This is the study of several mathematical objects that deal with algebraic structures. These algebraic structures include groups, rings, and sieves, and each of the areas dealing with these objects includes commutative and homological algebra. Modern algebra also includes linear algebra and elementary number theory. Modern algebra is the study of groups, rings, sieves, families, vector spaces, and algebra.

Year 3 │
Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Optimization

The goal is to learn the mathematical theories related to artificial intelligence that are currently emerging. In particular, students will learn mathematical optimization, which is the basis of the theory of artificial intelligence, and gain the ability to understand and implement how artificial intelligence works in practice.

Year 4 │
Computational Math and Practice

Students will study computational math, which is at the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They will learn various numerical calculation methods based on mathematical theories and aim to implement algorithms that are used in real industry.

Year 4 │
Computational Finance Theory and Practice

This course covers how to apply the various theories covered in financial math to practical applications. Students will learn how to price various derivatives using C++, Visual Basic, Matlab Python, etc. and learn risk management techniques using Monntecarlo Simulation.

Academic Activities

There are many student council-based self-governance activities, such as opening and closing general assemblies and Mathematical Training (MT). At the departmental level, study groups are organized on various topics, including a study group that submits and solves "migration problems". Academic exchange activities are held through academic festivals and academic events. A "Kagoshima Mathematics Network" is organized through career seminars with seniors who are working in the field.

Departmental Talent

  • Honest and just people who respect their community
  • Ethical people with analytical, logical thinking, and creative skills
  • Have the convergent knowledge needed for the 4th revolution

High School Courses Related to Major

High School Courses Related to Majortable for High School Courses Related to Major
General Electives Career Electives
Math I, Math II, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, etc. Geometry, economic math, etc.

Careers after Graduation

Careers after Graduationtable for Careers after Graduation
Education & Research Teachers, tutors, and graduate school
Enterprise Banks, securities firms, asset managers, corporate valuers, and bond and asset appraisers
Institutions and Organizations Public Officials
Professions Securities Investment Counselor, Futures Trading Counselor, Fund Investment Counselor, Derivatives Investment Counselor

Subject-Related Certifications

Funds, securities, and investment advisers